
After a long long time (5 months long…) I come back to here… Ever since coming back from Singapore and joined a project, time move so fast… Currently what I’m doing is different from what I used to do for the past three years. Though I’m typically the type who don’t like to change, but as in the earlier post, change is not an option (or is there choice?).
For the past two months, I’ve learn much about insurance till I feel like when I first join Pru. Previously my job is just confined to uw section only but currently I’ve learned DE (more familiar with the component codes), CI, CC billing, CPF billing, NTU, CFI, prepare decline letter, etc. Basically have a clearer picture on what happened to a case before it comes to uw and what are the subsequent steps after the case has been underwritten.
In one day, there are only 24 hours and if I’ve use working hours to learn all these things, I’ve to give up something else. IMHO, there is always an opportunity to learn whenever there is a change.  What I’m doing now is, IMHO (again) is more challenging than doing OT until 9.30pm for 5 consecutively days or working for 12 days in a row. Why? One of the main reason is may be I’m venturing into something unknown (most people sure scare of something unknown) and in the initial stage of UAT, there’s much room for improvement and luckily things become clearer as we advance further with this project.
No matter what we are, where we are, when the things get tough, the tough gets going. I believe my fellow comrades will face other tasks with equally magnitude in asperity  and very stimulating as the year move into the third quarter.
May be I’ll just take it as a sabbatical leave (from underwriting) while doing this project.
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