
Do you ever believe someone can change? I mean change in terms of habits, attitudes, like/dislike, preferences, fear, etc? There are many Chinese sayings on this one. Kong san yi goi, boon seng lan yi (kingdom easily changed, attitude hard to change). However, there is another saying which kinda contradict with the first one; ji yew yau hung sum, tit cu mor seng jum (as long as have the will, even steel rod will become needle)
So as per the ancient folks who created these sayings, who is right? Or is it depends on when and where we use these sayings?
Sometimes I feel that at this time, I might have this kind of thought/opinion/stand but as time goes by, things will change according to the circumstances or events which occured in my life. I believe others experience the same things as well.
One day we might stand very strong in certain side; die die also will fight for it but later on, we might have different opinions. Part and parcel of growing up, I guess.
So which one is right? to become obstinate or to move according to the current of life?
Another example is that we might have certain fear or phobia to certain things. Then somehow, miraculously, the fear is gone. Is it finally we have grown up or just naturally we become immune to what we use to fear? For example, may be we use to fear dogs, cats or any furry little animals but then may be one day, we’ll be seen holding one of them. Who knows?
To me, nothing is impossible and nothing is static. There’s always new things to learn day by day and we’ll never know when we will stop learning.
Note: The words in italics are Cantonese pronunciation.
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1 Response to Change?

  1. Yat June says:

    Well, I believe that the second verse of chinese saying is the stronger one. Note that the first one states it is difficult to change an attitude while the second one mentioned where there\’s a will, there\’s a way… so while attitude is difficult to change, as long as one is determined to do so, we can do it… it\’s just like changing from a smoker to a non-smoker… difficult, but possible.
    Of course things change as time goes by. We all react by changing ourselves to adapt to the ever changing surroundings and environment. Moving according to the current of life is not really a bad thing. Why suffer by being obstinate when you can make your life easier by changing your lifestyle or attitude? Of course, to some, it might seem that we are giving up on our life and dreams just to fit in but changing and adapting is what that make us humans survive through cataclysm, catastrophes and holocausts… races who were too stubborn to change were long wiped away from the surface of earth.
    Of course, not all changes are for better but it\’s the age old survival vs. moral issue which maybe you\’ll discuss in your next post? 😛
    For me, I have always been scared of horror movies and will still be scared of them for the rest of my life… I supposed that it is possible for one not to be afraid of animals, insects or some other creepy crawly things when they grew up because they would have gained a deeper understanding about them and not to mention the fact that now, with your size, you can crush a dog\’s throat with one hand while when you\’re small, the dog can easily tear your throat out just like that :P. There is a change in size and thoughts and thus our attitudes change as well!
    I do agree with the last thingy… nothing is static and we need to change and learn or we\’ll be a long forgotten race soon…

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